Bush School Clean Up

Yesterday afternoon 2V ventured out into the playground to assist in our Schools Clean Up Day. Despite it being a wet and miserable day we managed to sneak out between showers to make a start on eliminating the rubbish in our clean up area under the top COLA.

In a 10 minute period students managed to collect almost 4 bags of rubbish! It was quite alarming to see how much rubbish there was lying around in just this area of our school.

The students have shown a wonderful example of how they are responsible and respectful students who care for our Bush School environment. 2V have vowed to do their part to help keep our school beautiful this year and are setting a challenge to all of the other classes in our school to do the same.

The official Clean Up Australia Day is tomorrow, 5th March.

Why not get involved and join a clean up site in your local area?

Clean Up Australia Day

Together we can all make a difference. 🙂

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